Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rumi Awakening

As I wandered the sky,
I heard Rumi
Singing a song.
"I slept in your bed
In the silent night,I murmured to your ear
ring Hoyo"
I felt delight
Then at daybreak
I went to ring you ,To hear that honey voice ;
But oh! no credit ."

The poet Rumi. Lovely dude. Shame he is not alive, then we would be lovers, renting a house in central Otago ( I am trying to be realistically as possible here, ) painting and gardening. if you want you can be his friend is well, I’m not sure if he has face book, but no doubt if he did, he will be cooler than that gaga chick. Perhaps one of my favourite lines is

"What a rapture to fly in the sky,
To tear a hundred veils every second"

ps Hoyo/mother

Friday, July 9, 2010

Young Mona

The six of us, and then there was you.
the giant,

And faltering mermaid

And I played

Under the castle


Mother cuddled you in white blanket
We stared at you like the nurses.
The white, quaint suburbia nursed
you into the queen of the house
The day you were born only other’s
Have the treasure to remember.

Lip service

The engine was still
orange city lights

flinch from
sky rolled in

Kebab smell

at the back seat

Tehran said.”I read your hand”

“Only the left hand”, she said

Left hand says fuck all
right hand
bears all

Tehran words fall flat
death in your family
two children
and you are a romantic.

A romantic
Surely not